Sunday, August 8, 2010

C a l i f o r n i a

Exactly 19 hours &33 minutes till I'm on my way to California with my best friend C and her family, where we will be staying till the nineteenth. Its kind of scary to think that this will be the first time i ever travelled alone, or crossed the border, but I'm super excited, its gonna be a blast. I dont' know how I'm going to be without seeing my mom and dad everyday :( but at least i can still call them. currently I'm 80% done packing, which was a challenge might i add... trying to choose clothes to wear in a place I've never been to. Oh well, i think i packed the right kind of stuff . . . shorts and tank tops, yup sounds good. Today i spent the mourning lounging around watching an old movie, got ready and went to the mall with C and Mom to get some necessity's for the trip, to bad there is no such thing as a decent looking hat that will fit my head in any of the stores there. But i did manage to get my mom to buy me some clothes and a straightener for the trip. i know it sounds like I'm pointlessly rambling , and that's exactly what i am doing, but its only because I'm really excited about everything. I get like this all the time before trips, like last year when me and my mom went to Nova Scotia to see family. which was also a blast, laying by the beach all day and spending time with family i don't get to see often. Spending the summer with people you enjoy makes your summer 100 % better, that's why i can guarantee that this trip is going to be amazing.